(c) Atmz (2011) " ...the truest stories are the ones that aren't factual at all ." - JD, with a stage wink and a half-turn I suppose I'm ashamed to admit my shock at finding John Darnielle to be such a happy man. I suppose I'm surprised because much of his old stuff deals in abjection - and even the recent stuff is deceptively cheerful. They open in matching suits with a slightly lounge take on 'Jeff Davis County Blues' - but he knows it's lounge. (He seems always to know what he's up to, which makes criticism of this band a joy). Playlist of the set here He gapes and grins with silent mania on the fast numbers - like Jim Carrey in his darker moments , or Tommy Cooper's thoughtful ones . He's thus quite the actor, since each song is a day in a different character's head. (And usually a bad day, but spiritualized in its bleakness.) He keeps throwing his head back - half to keep his glasses on while thrashing his guitar, ...