Careful, folk/rock singer/songwriters of the world: there is a spectre haunting you. If you're: eminent back home; or just the first big rock guy in your language; vaguely political; or lyrically pretentious; or mischievous; possessed of bad voice; or accused of capturing a moment in your people's cultural history then look out, my foreign friend - for you are sooner or later gonna catch a comparison to Dylan. In recent times the simile has become so wild and virulent that non-musicians must be careful also: Steve Jobs is right up there. He is, in many ways, the Bob Dylan of machines, he's the Elvis of the kind of hardware-software dialectic ." - Bono 1. "the English Bob Dylan" Richard Thompson Dylanesque Score: 6/10 or Roy Harper Dylanesque Score: 7/10 or even Billy Bragg Dylanesque Score: 5/10 1'. "British Bob" (the Scottish English Bob Dylan) Donovan Dylanesque Score: 8/10 1''. "The Welsh Dylan" - says the BBC (though the...