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Showing posts from February, 2013

winter miscellany

Whoah whoah whoah whoah whoah: **************************************************************** Unrequited friendship is rare; we find it very hard to like people who dislike us. (And the reasons it's so easy to love those who do not love us... are scary and we'll leave the question alone.) ****************************************************************** " Many scientists are neurologically stale individuals: wholly uninvigorating. They strive away on whimsical applications because "that's what science is". While I can see where they're coming from - it's very good fun to immerse yourself in an application (say, making a better engine using physical arguments) - these people are technologists rather than natural philosophers ." - James Reid As with all old institutions, the BBC has a lot of hangups, hangovers and strange crannies. (Think of the way that their ethics programme is still considered part of their "Reli...

simplified humanism

death can't resist us; we batter down death's door, unconcerned about our lateness and the shit we track into death's carpets. death is a meek curate, tolerant and up all hours just in case. Pray spare death. Neither go gentle nor brash headlong into death's good night, the pavement. we might let death retire - revoke our entitlement - give over giving out - somehow leave death alone. [ PERMA LINK ]