' Despite it all, we still like you. ' – Abraham, on Tanzanians' general attitude toward white people. ****************************************************************** "Hello supervisor, can we have the vital operating budget we were allocated?" "Hello! No; it's not here." "Oh no! That sucks. Can I just pay it for them, then?" "Heavens no! That would breed aid dependency." "Oh. Well, maybe. Can I lend it to them until the budget comes through?" "Heavens no! That would breach the equality of volunteers! We have planned under the assumption that volunteers have no no money." "But that assumption isn't true - look, here's my lunch money." "Yes. So?" "... ... ...So in fact we're playing a game here? A game, with these people's lives: SimVSO. This whole strand of the project is to be undone over £4 of printing costs?" "Welcome to th...