SOC (n.): system on a chip. Previously known as a microcontroller. What we now call just 'a computer', but integrated boards were an enormous deal, a revolution within the digital revolution. UUOC (n.): Useless Use Of Cat (Award). Surprisingly mean retort to StackOverflow answers which use the UNIX tool cat where a pipe would do. abience (n.): the urge to withdraw. Usually used to mean pathological avoidance, but to me it is also the plain, sacred joy of missing out. hardtack (n): A very basic cracker, just baked flour and water. Staple of navies and Tudor explorers. HARKing (v.): Hypothesizing After the Results are Known . A particular problem in social science, where pre-registration of studies is a tiny minority of work. merchantable (UK legal n.): Good enough to be sold. technical steer (n.): Input from expert staff, AKA 'knowledge'. whitespace damage (n.): subtle but breaking changes to source code performed by ordinary text processors, e....