incel (n.): involuntary celibate. Tends to be used by terribly bitter people. Ozy Frantz is trying to reclaim the term, since the problem is a real one. foofaraw (West US n.): pomp, fuss, ruckus. sinter (metallurgy v.): to fuse things into a solid without heating them to liquefaction. Think making a vicious snowball out of powder. Useful for ultra-high-melting-point things like tungsten. zero-rating (telecomms n.): Offering free mobile data, usually for very limited things like app stores or Facebook. A good form of price discrimination - but legislators often ban it in the name of net neutrality, creating equality by running among fields with a running chainsaw. Common in the developing world - best of all, for Wikipedia . dead mileage (n.): non-profitable movement of commercial vehicles, for maintenance or live placement. to deadhead (v.): to travel, as staff, using dead mileage. data sleaze (n.): customer data obtained secretly by businesses, secretly sold...