to red team (US military v.): to attack your own side, to test the soundness of their defence. See also pentest . rah (UK n.) or Rah-Rah (US n.): brash upper-class young man. A preppy boor. the Real Book (70s, US n.): illicit book of jazz scores, including melody lines, photocopied by generations of American music students. A phenomenal playlist . The biggest jazz sheet book ever. manel (n.): Man panel; public speaking session with no women. (Not including the chair, for some reason.) People are angry about this, because they take manels to constitute a claim that no women know anything about the topic. This is a bit strong. government name (US gang n.): birth name; source of embarrassment for thugs with edgy nicknames. See also (UK) Sunday name : "Aye, ma name's Bet - oh bit ma Sunday name's Elizabeth.". the note (cinema n.): the impression a character gives in their first scene, setting the tone for them. By analogy with a tuning fork. H...