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Showing posts from March, 2018

notable snackwave

grognard (French / nerd n.): old soldier; a player who refuses to play updated versions of a game. large-sample statistics (Victorian n.): pertaining to operations on samples of size 150 or more. (Pffffff) Power distance (sociology n.): the extent to which low-status people accept power inequality, on average, in their culture. Literature includes a cross-cultural metric which strikes me as an excellent idea. Atlanticism (Russian pej n.): doctrine of close alliance between America and Europe; NATOism. The contrived antagonist of 'Eurasianism'. I had scoffed at the very idea, but Germans are so anti-American that Dugin's dark scheming is not even absurd; read this on Schroeder as corrupt Eurasianist . novichok (Russian n.): Secret Soviet nerve agent, apparently much stronger than VX, apparently used on Skripal. free-range parenting (US n.): Letting your child roam, walk to school, live as if this was the lo...

notable blathernodery

egoboo (fandom / open source n.): ego boost; social credit; pleasure received from public recognition of one's voluntary work. See also warm glow . soyboy (MRA pej. n.): feminine man - in reference to the urban legend / quack palaeo notion that soy xenoestrogens lower testosterone. Depressingly, it's because of people like this that Cordelia Fine's bullshit is justifiable. See also numale, cuck, beta (though on top of the gender policing, soyboy adds diet policing and is that much worse). rufous (n.): reddish brown; robiny. inclusion rider (Hollywood n.): condition that one's peers must meet a diversity quota. Dolbyification (industry n.): moving off manufacturing / and towards licencing and assurance. See Coolidge effect (biology n.): broad tendency for males to exhibit renewed sexual interest if introduced to new sexual partners (even though previous partners are still available and had not ). emodiv...