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to knout (v.): to lash with a barbed, multi-headed whip. Peculiar to English commentary about Tsarist Russia.
to perlustrate (v.): to inspect thoroughly; to rifle through.
morganatic (adj.): Of marriage: crossing class boundaries; partial; granting no titles to the wife and children. AKA left-handed marriage.
accouchement (Fr n.): a birth; the moment of fetal expulsion.
altricial (adj): incapable of moving around immediately after birth.
test particle (n.): fictional entity used in high-energy physics simulations / dynamics problems at the limit. Model with only one property, the one you want to simulate.
fustian (n.): 1) thick dark cloth; 2) pompous writing. Confusing because it looks like an adjective.
to templatize (computing v.): genericise; to use metaprogramming templates on. Seen in a BS marketing spiel; yet another case of presenting some 40-year-old basic CS idea as revolutionary innovation.
nesomane (n.): Island lover.
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