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Showing posts from August, 2018

notable immane weird machines

universal physics (science n.): finding a single law that crosses the scales of a phenomenon. Rare? paperwork pollution (econommics n.): great word for what bureaucracy does to a society; same kind of externality and maybe even worse in time terms. delusion box (AI safety n.): self-modification allowing the system to systematically ignore / confabulate inputs. weird machine (theoretical CS n.): a system which is Turing-complete when you wouldn't expect it / when no one intended it. e.g. Peano arithmetic, Magic the Gathering. to bugsplat (US military v.): to murder by use of a drone. screenshot-dunking (internet n.): to printscreen someone's online behaviour in order to mock them. In passing this spreads their message, of course. By analogy with the trial by ordeal of water . Twitter is of course a dunking machine by design. homoglyph (code n.): character which looks almost exactly the same as a character with a different Un...