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notable immane weird machines

  • universal physics (science n.): finding a single law that crosses the scales of a phenomenon. Rare?

  • paperwork pollution (econommics n.): great word for what bureaucracy does to a society; same kind of externality and maybe even worse in time terms.

  • delusion box (AI safety n.): self-modification allowing the system to systematically ignore / confabulate inputs.

  • weird machine (theoretical CS n.): a system which is Turing-complete when you wouldn't expect it / when no one intended it. e.g. Peano arithmetic, Magic the Gathering.

  • to bugsplat (US military v.): to murder by use of a drone.

  • screenshot-dunking (internet n.): to printscreen someone's online behaviour in order to mock them. In passing this spreads their message, of course. By analogy with the trial by ordeal of water. Twitter is of course a dunking machine by design.

  • homoglyph (code n.): character which looks almost exactly the same as a character with a different Unicode. Impressively awful security problem since they started allowing Unicode into URLs in 2003.

  • inside baseball (US n.): administrivia; boring insider gossip.

  • bofa (internet null): both of; dumb lead-in for "both of deez nuts!". This is good.

  • mooning (digital currency v.): to grow very fast.

  • glimflashy (arch. sl. adj.): angry, salty.

  • apple polisher (business pej. n.): yes-man; executive assistant; holder of a bullshit job. Great insult

  • Extremely Online (internet adj.): of the 26% of US adults who claim to be literally constantly online during waking hours.

  • hairdye NKVD (internet pej.): mean hyperbole for SJW. (My SJW friend calls their hair "alternative lifestyle coloration", in jest.)

  • Classpect (internet n.): a personality archetype in Homestuck. Very complicated and I don't get it.

  • plogging (internet v.): picking-litter-while-jogging. I'm sure it's a nice impulse under all the bs.

  • landrace (biology n.): domesticated local variety of a species that has changed greatly due to isolation from other populations.

  • on the edge (cloud computing adj.): located on the exit node of a network; buzzword meaning "fastest".

  • seeding trial (US pharma): marketing conducted in the name of research; bribe paid to doctors in the guise of a bonus for enrolling patients in a "trial".

  • immane (arch adj.): huge, monstrous

  • chulaka (??? n.): Used by Jonathan Meades and no-one else. Possibly "handful of water" in Hindi.

  • QAnon (internet n.): a dumb, possibly insincere 4chan conspiracy about Trump and Hillary and whatever. See also The Storm, The Great Awakening.

  • Sand-Grown ‘Un (Northern n.): person from Blackpool or the wider Fylde.

  • Third wave of coffee (internet n.): Ridiculous word for the current artisanal fad.

  • online programme managers (OPMs): weird word for online universities / MOOC slingers like Coursera.

  • N.B.G. (UK military arch. adj.): No bloody good

  • lascar (UK arch. n.): sailor from the Subcontinent.

  • jacktar (Brit military n.): sailor in the Royal Navy

  • gopwo (WWII Brit military n.): Grossly Over-Promoted Warrant Officer. Memes are so old.

  • indefinite pessimism (grand cultural n.): used by Thiel to mean general malaise; complaining not about particular problems or systems but hunching down and awaiting something awful passively. He thinks Europe is like this now, I'm not sure. Compare Permanent agnosticism.

  • labour hoarding (economics n.): in which a company does not lay off employees when it otherwise would (e.g. recession). Reduces profitability but guarantees skills will be available (not available to competitors) when growth resumes.

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