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do not forget we live in the future

(c) Elizabeth Parker Hats

"We exist in a state of social and physical equanimity that is unparalleled in the history of humans. Why else would we alert the media every time we feel a little blue?"
- Dave Hickey

Look at this reverse image search thing! God, isn't it worth social atomisation and massively lower attention spans? Particularly when taken in tandem with this lovely thing.
And this.
And this.
And this.
And this.
And this, this, this and this.
And all that.
And this.
And this.
And this.
And this.
And this.
And this (alt).
And this.
And these.
And this.

(Prostate exam of justice.)

They've all got downsides. (Ok, not Child'sPlay) But that's built into the idea of "technology". Wikileaks in particular is a time-traveller from some future place where people actually control their governments. But in this spacetime manifold, it's fucking dangerous.

(Regarding that future "actual democracy", the Chinese 人肉搜索, "human-flesh search-engine" seems to be from the same portal, though it's reactionary and horrible rather than David and Goliath.)

Some music lights up the dark if you let it: GO FEAST YEAH PRESSED
