(c) Elizabeth Parker Hats
"We exist in a state of social and physical equanimity that is unparalleled in the history of humans. Why else would we alert the media every time we feel a little blue?"
- Dave Hickey
(Prostate exam of justice.)
They've all got downsides. (Ok, not Child'sPlay) But that's built into the idea of "technology". Wikileaks in particular is a time-traveller from some future place where people actually control their governments. But in this spacetime manifold, it's fucking dangerous.
(Regarding that future "actual democracy", the Chinese 人肉搜索, "human-flesh search-engine" seems to be from the same portal, though it's reactionary and horrible rather than David and Goliath.)
Some music lights up the dark if you let it: GO FEAST YEAH PRESSED
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